
阿菜 财经新闻 2023-03-19 07:18:01

解铃还须系铃人,且看Mr.gekko在《Wall Street 2》怎么谈他最有名的这句quote:someone remind me the other evening有人提醒我that I once said,"greed is good."

我曾经说过“贪婪是好的”Now it seems its legal.现在好像变成合法的了But,folks,但是its greed that makes my bartender buy three houses he cant afford,with no money down.

贪婪让我的酒保买了三栋他根本承担不起的房子,没有首付its greed that makes your parents refinance their $200,000 house for $250,000

贪婪让你的父母把你们的房子多抵押了$50,000And then they take that extra 50 and they go down to the mall.然后他们拿着这多的50k,去购物

And they buy a plasma TV,cell phones,他们买了平板电视,买了手机Why not a second home whole were at it?既然如此,为什么不再买一栋房子呢?

Because,gee whiz, we all know that prices of houses in America always go up,right?美国的房价从来都是只涨不跌的阿its greed that makes the government in this country cut the interest rates to 1%,after 9/11

贪婪让这个国家的 *** 把利息减到1%So we could all go shopping again!让我们能尽情的消费They got all these fancy names for trillions of dollars of credit

他们给这些信贷起了花哨的名字CMOs,CDOs,SIVs,ABSs.信用抵押承诺,累计债务承诺When i was away, it seems like greed got greedier我在牢里这段时间,好像贪婪变得更贪婪了

With a little bit of envy mixed in还混杂着一点嫉妒Hedge funders were walking home with 50,100 million bucks a year.

对冲基金们一年赚50m,100mSo Mr.Banker,hes looking around, and he says,my life looks pretty boring银行家们觉得他们的生活太无聊了

They use your money to leverage up,to 40,50,even 100.所以他们把杠杆加到40,50甚至100,用你的钱"Hey! IS EVERYBODY OUT HERE NUTS!"

我禁不住喊:“外面的人都疯了吗!” --Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)