耶伦将出席美参议院听证会 料将安抚国会对银行监管的担忧,具体怎么说的?

阿菜 财经新闻 2023-03-18 23:15:35

9曰28日星期二, 美国 财政部长珍妮特.耶伦在参议院银行委员会听证会上警告议员,如果美国国会不迅速提高联邦 *** 债务上限或暂停其生效,联邦 *** 可能在10月18日之前耗尽资金,届时可能会因出现债务违约而引发一场“历史性的金融危机”,并会造成广泛的“经济灾难”。

Yellen says U.S. may exhaust cash by Oct 18 barring debt ceiling riseU.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told lawmakers on Tuesday the government could run out of cash by Oct. 18 unless Congress acts to lift the federal debt limit in advance of the Treasury Department exhausting efforts to preserve resources.

"At that point, we expect Treasury would be left with very limited resources that would be depleted quickly," Yellen told lawmakers during a Senate Banking Committee hearing, echoing comments she made in a letter to lawmakers.

一天前,参议院共和党人拒绝了一项提高国家借贷限额以支付先前发生的 *** 支出的措施此次听证会的目的是审查财政部和美联储为保护经济免受新冠疫情影响而采取的行动,耶伦与美联储主席杰罗姆.鲍威尔一起出席该听证会耶伦在听证会上多次表示,如果不迅速提高或取消债务上限,将是一场“灾难性”事件,将引发“金融危机”。


"It is uncertain whether we could continue to meet all the nation’s commitments after that date," she said in the letter, one day after Senate Republicans rejected a measure to raise the nations borrowing limit to pay for previously incurred government spending. read more

Yellen on Tuesday appeared along with Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell before the Senate Banking Committee to review the two agencies actions to shield the economy from the coronavirus pandemic.

Asked repeatedly during the hearing about the approaching deadline for lifting the debt ceiling, Yellen said failing to do so would be a "disastrous" event that would trigger a "financial crisis and calamity."

Powell also urged Congress to raise the debt limit in time to avoid default.
