股票比价效应是什么意思 看完你会懂 ,具体怎么操作?

阿菜 投资理财 2023-03-10 00:05:07

原标题:“惊蛰”究竟是什么意思?看完它的英文翻译,你就秒懂了!惊蛰,古称“启蛰”,是中国传统二十四节气 (the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第三个节气蛰,是指动物入冬蛰伏土中的冬眠状态。

惊蛰,即天上的雷声惊醒了沉睡的万物,所以惊蛰的英文表达为 Awakening of Insects,或 Insects Awaken。

The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Awakening of Insects falls on Mar 5 this year.

中国传统农历将一年分为24个节气今年的惊蛰是在3月5日As the third solar term in the lunar year, its name alludes to the fact that animals sleeping in winter are awakened by spring thunder and that the earth begins to come back to life. It is the key time for spring agricultural activities. 。

作为农历的第三个节气,顾名思义,惊蛰意味着冬眠的动物被春雷唤醒,大地上万物复苏此时中国大部分地区进入了春耕的季节Awakening of Insects signals a rise in temperature and increased rain fall. 。

惊蛰的到来,预示着气温的升高和降雨量的增加【生词】alludes /əˈluːdz/ 【词串】alludes to 暗指;影射wake sb. up/wake up sb.:唤醒某人wake→awake→awaken。

be awakened by:被唤醒【拓展】冬眠:wintertime slumber /ˈslʌmbər/(睡眠); winter sleep; hibernation /ˌhaɪbərˈneɪʃən/ (冬眠)

Old Chinese sayings such as "Once the Awakening of Insects comes, spring ploughing never rests" reveal the importance of this term to farmers.

古谚说“过了惊蛰节,春耕不能歇”,显示了这个节气对农民的重要性【生词】plough/plaʊ/节气小知识(双语)01 祭白虎Offering sacrifices to the white tiger

According to ancient Chinese folklore, a white tiger is the creature that brings quarrels and disputes.

根据中国古代民间传说,白虎是会引起争吵和纠纷的生物When practicing this old custom, people draw the white tiger on paper, and then smear pigs blood and pork on its mouth. This means the tiger is fed so that it would not bite people, avoiding bad luck and conflict.。

祭白虎,就是画一只白虎在纸上,再在它的嘴上涂猪血或者猪油,意思是让它吃饱后不再咬人,避免坏运气和是非矛盾*【生词】folklore /ˈfoʊklɔːr/ 民间传统;民俗;民间传说quarrel /ˈkwɑːrəlz/ n./v. 口角;。

争吵dispute /dɪˈspjuːt/ n./v. 争论;纠纷;辩论smear /smɪr/ v. 胡乱涂抹02 惊蛰吃梨Eating pears

Eating pears around the Awakening of Insects is a widely-practiced custom in China. 我国民间素有惊蛰吃梨的习俗As the weather gets warmer and the air becomes dry, people tend to feel their mouths are parched and tongues dry, which can cause colds or coughs. A pear is sweet, juicy and cold, moistening the lungs to arrest a cough. Therefore, pears are highly recommended during the Awakening of Insects.。

随着天气变暖,天气比较干,人们很容易口干舌燥,容易因此患上感冒或咳嗽梨味甘、多汁、性寒,有润肺止咳的功效因此,惊蛰时节应多吃梨*【生词】parched /pɑːrtʃt/ adj. 干渴的;晒干的arrest /əˈrest/ v. 逮捕;阻止

惊蛰诗词(双语)春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟夜来风雨声,花落知多少This spring morning in bed Im lying Not to awake till birds are cryingAfter one night of wind and showers

How many are the fallen flowers?好雨知时节,当春乃发生随风潜入夜,润物细无声Good rain knows its time rightIt will fall when comes spring.。

With wind it steals in nightMute, it wets everything千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中 Orioles sing for miles amid red blooms and green trees。

By hills and rills wine shop streamers wave in the breezeFour hundred eighty splendid temples still remain

Of Southern Dynasties in the mist and rain点击今日第二条推送 观看24节气纪录片《四季中国》第三集:惊蛰下载E听说中学开启满分之旅内容综合自网络公开内容图片源自讯飞图酷

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